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Boy, 4, Left Behind At Wildlife Park After Nursery Trip

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naomi24 | 13:34 Wed 26th Jun 2024 | News
17 Answers

Nine children with three nursery staff - not too difficult - and yet they still managed to leave one child behind.   Absolutely appalling.










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Good to hear no harm came to him unlike the lad in this dirty.



^ ditty not dirty.

Poor boy! What were "those in charge" thinking...or should that be not thinking?

The Nursery should be closed down and those on the trip should never work in any care ever again.

I know this sounds draconian, but this is so basic so if they cant get this right then there will always be a risk to those placed in their care.  And I dont mean just children.

On a similar theme we get kids from the local school being walked with supervisors (primary).  I once saw one of them just using a phone and not watching the kids at all, the other two were up from and could not possibly see. I was looking down on them so easy to see.

I contacted the scholl, never seen it happen again.

I wonder if any lessons have been learned.  Beyond that, words fail me.

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It sounds as if they didn't even go into the toilets with the children.  Carson was last in the line and when he came out they were all gone.  

By the looks of it the lad's got bright ginger hair.

It's unbelievable that none of the three alleged adults at some point didn't think hang on where's the ginger kid?

At least it wasn't a senior politician leaving his own daughter in the pub.

// Ms McLean added that policies and procedures would be reviewed to see where improvements could be made. //

How about - Don't allow people out in charge of children if they can't count up to nine?

What beggars belief is that it was not one person who managed not to notice that one child was missing, there were THREE of them! And they all failed to notice the child was missing.

Obviously they were paying no attention to the kids. Just walking ahead nattering among themselves.

That's the only way I can see it happening.

I've never been in charge of a bunch of kids, but I've seen people doing it.

There's always a minimum of one at the front leading and one at the back watching for stragglers. Every time there's a stop, they do a headcount afterwards.

Clearly this didn't happen.

It was reported elsewhere that the children were on a bus  .. one of the so-called carers  shouted "is everybody there" reply was "yes"and no head count done.  Disgraceful.

On the cruises when I work, my wife and I have the option to escort on-shore tours.

It's not difficult, you help the guide ensure everyone crosses roads safely, and the group stays together.

We have a form listing the number of guests we have when we start.

And when we start back they guide and the escort each do a head count, to ensure no-one is missing.

Now if a guide and I can manage to get fifty-plus adults back to the ship together, what's so difficult about professional child-carers organising nine little ones?

My wife has been a teacher, Deputy Head, and Head Teacher, and has vast experience of school trips.

Her advice?

Do your head count and confirm it with the guide's count. If they are different, the bus doesn't move.

How hard can it be?

If i had my way there will be one less head to count at the nursery.

What also surprises me is that kids of that age are very bright and not one of them said where's Carson.  Someone must have been sitting with him or been best friends with him.  I know it's not their job to ensure that all the kids are back on the coach but still.

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Boy, 4, Left Behind At Wildlife Park After Nursery Trip

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