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Labour, What To Expect

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Khandro | 15:27 Mon 24th Jun 2024 | News
23 Answers

'Guidelines banning children from being taught that there are more than two genders would be reviewed under a Labour government, a shadow minister has said.'   The Spectator

And with a predicted 300 majority they'll be able to do that, and anything they like. 

What do you say?



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I feel sorry for the future of this country.

That sort of majority will take double the largest swing in history. Won't be anything like that. Calm yourselves peeps.

There are only two genders end of, however you dress it up pun intended.

"The Rebuilding of Britain" after watching it being trampled into the ground by a Tory Govt for the last fourteen years being governed mainly by a bunch of Eton Clowns. Get Rid .


But if the Tory vote is split, with Reform taking a chunk, then it could let Labour in with a larger majority.


I doubt reform will get 2 seats.

Not sure what the 300 majority has to do with it.  For a Government with spine 80 would be more than enough.  For a bunch of TINO's though it wasnt.

And yes, watch the woke policies being wheeled out.  But thats good it will ensure one term only.

//I doubt reform will get 2 seats.//

I agree but it is meaningless in this argument.  If Reform "split the vote" (although they have been seen to take labour votes too) then they could still take enough votes to stop a TINO in their tracks and consigned to the rubbish bin. And good for what they have done (not done) for this country.


Yeah when 7 year old saucepans start coming home from school to tell you they learned about some devient sex act from the TROB teacher. Should scare a few parents into a "what have I done" moment!

And add that to the extra tax they will be paying - that should do the trick.

300 majority ...It's like a dream come true.😎

No, there are two biological sexes plus intersex, based on physical anatomical markers.

Gender is also a social or cultural term, and is undoubtedly useful for people born with anatomical gender, but who feel that they do not belong there.

Unfortunately, some humans tend to be quarrelsome, and so enjoy scrapping about the other's right to their views/self-perceptions.

More people are tolerant, but it only takes a few slaps, punches and vocal insults to trigger a big row.

Guess you would be happy with your daughters in a changing room with a block with a penis then Atheist?

Takes all sorts I suppose.

I know which side the death threats are coming from, Atheist.

//Not sure what the 300 majority has to do with it.  For a Government with spine 80 would be more than enough.//

Totally agree - any reasonable majority will enable the new gov to enact it's policies.

(btw - Labour intend to create a few dozen new peers to "even up" their numbers in the upper house)

TTT 15 57 You sure are scraping the very very bottom of the Barrel ..just shows how desperate you Tories can get now that you are finally convinced the Party's over and your Party is History the games up ....end of.😎


Tory vote split with Reform, 50+ seats for the Lib Dems?


As I'm not voting this time I haven't taken an enormous interest in the lead-up (other than, as per, they're all promising a utopia), but where has this idea come from that voting Reform will take away Tory votes? Part, a big part, of their mantra is immigration and I have zero doubt there's just as many Labour voters as Tory voters who are concerned about immigration, so why is there no talk about Reform taking Labour voters as well?

Deskdiary, good point.

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