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How Is This In The Public Interest?

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ToraToraTora | 13:39 Fri 21st Jun 2024 | News
7 Answers

once again our public servants are terrified of the race card.

The bloke stabbed 6 people FGS what is plod supposed to do?



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Give them a medal.  It's in the public interest that he's dead.

I guess authority needs to show what they do is above board. There can then be an official judgement as to whether tasering is an obligation in such circumstances, and why/why not. Set a precedent now and there's less liklihood of such objections/claims in the future.

But surely they killed a doctor or engineer?

Oh no they didnt another waste of oxygen, or he was.

Well done old Bill.

"Mr Bosh", the least agreeable of the Mister Men.


We're all better off for his passing.


But surely they killed a doctor or engineer?

What do you mean? Are you referring to the rigth wing trope that's been bandied about recently? 

The one where some people "doctor or engineer: as a snide inference to something?

Total waste of time and money - except for those employed by the enquiry process of course🙄 

Some helpful reading:

It's not good enough to shrug and move on. A public enquiry does NOT seek to assingn blame, but to establish the facts of a case.

If  Bosh had been apprehended alive, the facts of the case would've been put to a jury. As he was killed, it's only right to establish what happened and whether the events could've been avoided.

For example - if, during the enquiry it was revealed that police in Glasgow were not issued with tasers or that cutbacks meant that  officers on the ground had no other choice but to rely on the Firearms Squad, this should be examined.


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