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ToraToraTora | 12:56 Fri 21st Jun 2024 | News
10 Answers

....perhaps they should add an 11th, "Thou shalt not mow down thy classmates with a machine gun"



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It's been tried before in other states...and knocked down by their courts. Hopefully the same here. Bunch of neanderthals in their thinking.

Obligatory Christianity by law ? Has to break all sorts of rights. Suspect the legislation can't be lawful.

//Bunch of neanderthals in their thinking.//

Interesting comment.  I am in no way religious as everyone on here knows but the ten commandmants are actually good basic rules to live by, no matter what you are.  

Unless you think its ok to kill people?

14:03...of course I don't. And I'm sure you know that.


As a Christian the Ten Commandments are meaningful to me but only five are relevant to society as a whole: do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie, do not covet.


Do not covet thy neighbour's oxen. 

Such a shame because he's got a lovely one too.

damn savages...

I thought that the United States of America was meant to be a secular society, where religion was not meant to interfere in politics, and politics was not meant to persecute religions. The right-wing christians seem to be aiming to establish a right-wing christian state.

It was ever so, Atheist, since the heady days of the Pilgrim Fathers, these days remembered for their love of turkey, beer and American football at Thanksgiving. 😋

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