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Israel Bombs Another Safe Zone

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Untitled | 14:10 Tue 28th May 2024 | News
43 Answers

a tent city of refugees in rafah has been bombed by israel after it was designated a safe area for refugees... a huge number of the victims appear to have been children. some footage from the bombing shared by PBS shows babies that have had their heads blown off

the IDF claims that the strike was intended to target two hamas leaders... the prime minister called it a "technical failure" and a "tragic mistake"

what are civilian refugees in gaza supposed to do when israel keeps bombing safe zones? does the IDF simply want to kill them all?



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Typos galore. Please ignore.

Israel bombs another safe zone.

oh come on, untittled, be fair, it was safe before they bombed it - and everyone knows that the children ( "terrorists") set themselves on fire.


How do you know plans wouldn't  change, SP?  You don't.

you mean Plan A one day - cd be (not-plan A) the very next?

how very AB !

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Israel Bombs Another Safe Zone

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