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Israel Bombs Another Safe Zone

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Untitled | 14:10 Tue 28th May 2024 | News
43 Answers

a tent city of refugees in rafah has been bombed by israel after it was designated a safe area for refugees... a huge number of the victims appear to have been children. some footage from the bombing shared by PBS shows babies that have had their heads blown off

the IDF claims that the strike was intended to target two hamas leaders... the prime minister called it a "technical failure" and a "tragic mistake"

what are civilian refugees in gaza supposed to do when israel keeps bombing safe zones? does the IDF simply want to kill them all?



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I do mozz,innocent kiddies all murdered by the Hamas terrorists.

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hamas did not force israel to press "fire" on a tent city full of refugees and defenceless children. someone in the IDF gave that order, knew exactly what would happen and didn't care. 

no i do not believe that palestinian children take precedence over israeli children. i think that it is always wrong to attack noncombatants. always, for everyone. 

Perhaps all those marchers should be calling for Hamas to surrender and release all the hostages they're still holding - that's if any are still alive.  That would put an immediate stop to hostilities.

"That would put an immediate stop to hostilities."

So very not true.

in November 2023, Netanyahu said the invasion’s objective was to destroy “Hamas’s governing and military capabilities and to bring the hostages home”.

So even if all hostages were released tomorrow, the war 100% would still be prosecuted.

How do you know plans wouldn't  change, SP?  You don't.

Oh dear, holiday over.

Not yet, Douglas.  

While Hamas hide among the civilian population I can't see Israel stopping. They will have wasted all if Hamas still exist at the end, so there would have been no point starting. The die is cast and the unfortunate consequences probably inevitable. One trusts civilian casualties are being kept to a minimum although I doubt either side are that bothered by now; save for any propaganda they can make of it.

@16.49.Perhaps if the Hamas terrorists hadnt started this in the first place,then there wouldnt be any need for 100% prosecution of a war.If only the Hamas terrorists had just stayed in their beds on 7th October last year all these innocent kiddies would still be alive.The Hamas terrorists didnt stay in their beds that day.All these kiddies blood are on their hands.Damn all these bastrads to hell.


You can't assume a change of plan during a war unless there has been concerete evidence of it.

If you're standinf in front of a charging elephant you'd assume it's trajectory will remain unchanged. You wouldn't say, "Oh - it may veer off at any moment".


"Oh dear, holiday over."


SP, if Hamas surrendered there would be no charging elephant - but they won't.  Their own people aren't a consideration.  The 'cause' is all.  

Perhaps its not before time that the Palestinian people rise up and liquidate their main enemies(not the Jews),but the Hamas terrorists. Not easy i know,but without these Hamas terrorists this war wouldnt have started in the first place.

You might be right.

Hamas will never surrender and even if they did, Isreal would never accept they;d neautalised the enemy.

People need to put themselve in Israel's shoes. They face an existential threat and Jews know better than anyone what can happen if they don't sghow strength as a people.

The problem is - what is the exit strategy? If Hamas *did* surrender and released all hostages - what then? 

Moot point.

What then?  Israel knows Hamas will never stop. This war, in one form or another, will not cease until Israel is obliterated - or its enemies are obliterated.   

A bit like the Sri Lankan Tamil Tiger terrorist grouping.They tried to surrender,saying sorry for killing thousands of you.The Sri Lankan army and the Sri Lankan people didnt believe the Tiger terrorists lies.The terrorist bastrads were wiped out.Same should happen with the Hamas terrorists.


From both sides.

There has always an extremely uneasy truce in the ME because both Arabs and Jews consider Palenstine their ancestral home.

I've been doing a bit of reading on it, and from what I can see - as it is at the moment, peace is impossible because it relies on the two state solution and neither the Palestinians nor Israel will contemplate that.

"This war, in one form or another, will not cease until Israel is obliterated"


"This war, in one form or another, will not cease until Hamas is obliterated"

Not necessarily a bad thing - after all, it's a terrorist organisation, but if both these statements are goals from both sides, then this war will never cease.

SP, I think it's way past that as a solution.  

...but who can blame Netanyahu?

Israel was attacked on October 7th (not that nothing happened *before* that date) and HAD to response.

Its sovereign territory was under attack. The problem is...the region has been under dispute for over over 75 years (or more if you go back to te Balfour Declaration).

If Hamas disappeared overnight, you've still got the Palestinian problem. What do you do with neighbours who hatre each other and claim the same land?

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