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douglas9401 | 15:19 Thu 05th May 2022 | News
5 Answers

Who appoints and regulates the parole board if not govenment?


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Damn savage.......etc
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They may call themselves 'an inedependent body' but they didn't form from cosmic dust and descend to Earth on a chariot of fire.

The ultimate responsibility for them must rest with government, specifically Justice and Raab.
You would have thought so Douglas.
The law requires that the Parole Board makes its decisions independent of Government, following these rules:

The Parole Board can neither make nor amend sentences. Only judges can do that. It's sole function, in cases such as the one that you refer to, is to assess whether it's safe to release a prisoner back into the community when that becomes a possibility at the end of the minimum term of imprisonment that has been imposed by a judge. If their assessment concludes that there is no risk (or only an extremely low risk) of a prisoner re-offending, then they MUST make a BINDING recommendation to Government for their release. They have absolutely NO discretion in the matter.

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