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Nothing For Pensioners Then

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carolegif | 14:36 Wed 23rd Mar 2022 | News
19 Answers
Cut pension rates from 8% we should have received down to 2.5%. Inflation forecast at 7.4%. No help whatsover as pensioners don’t pay NI. Choice of eating or heating!


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They are "promising" a return to the triple lock next year. Hopefully...maybe...we'll see...
I suspect many pensioners are way better off than some who work full time.
Be thankful for the 2.5% raise.It is better than no raise.
Many are but many more are not! Many more survive on State Pension and pension credits. Back in the day very few had company pension schemes.
why all the "what about pensioners" cobras? They've had their whole lives to get themselves into a comfortable position. PS I am almost a pensioner.
And many of those pensioners worked full time from the age of 14/15 to retiring age at 65 in jobs with long hours a week and perhaps a week or 2 of holiday, if they were lucky. And no handouts from the government.
You obviously live in a different world Tora!!!

People these days don't realise how well off they really are and they still moan,moan,moan.
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Tora, it is a shock when you are a pensioner. You don’t realise how much less you have to live on. Wait and see! I only get two thirds pension as I was told by the then DWP in the 1970’s to transfer to the married rate NI as I was earning £1 an hour, 10 hours a week and I would be paying £3 NI. I was told that my husband’s contribution would cover it. Then a parliamentary bill was passed that I couldn’t use that, so there was a shortfall. When I retired (I had cancer)I was not allowed to make up the shortfall as it was too long ago. There are over a million women like me caught up in this! We have managed, but with Boris’s batty wife’s green levies we are hit again.
Sometimes TTT comes across as insensitive to say the least.
Tora has no idea of how a lot of pensioners are suffering just to keep going and at the time of their lives when their health is also likely to suffer.

I feel fortunate being a pensioner who can survive well, but I don't put down those that can't.

I presume TTT still works, but spends a lot of time online!!! Cushy job!!
in all honesty, everyone who doesnt have any bunce in they budget is struggling. There is not much point saying blah group has it worse than blah group, a there will be people in both groups who struggle, and people in both groups who dont
pat: "I presume TTT still works, but spends a lot of time online!!! Cushy job!! " - gromit will explain what I do, TBF he nailed it last time!
Oddly enough the Ukraine/Russian war has increased my activity over the last few weeks.
When I worked, it was only ever part time. My income now is marginally higher that 10, even 15 years ago. Yet costs of everything else has risen. I've been working on a new monthly budget, and came across a few old receipts and list of expenditures. The increases are large. One thing I'm reluctant to cut back on is food, as I'm a firm believer that what we eat affects our health. I've been pouring over "eating on a budget" and "cut your food bills" articles, and I already do many of the ideas suggested. As I bet many *unprepared* pensioners on here already do. Ex had an excellent salary, but I don't think he's any more prepared than I was. Having a good income doesn't guarantee being in a good position upon retirement.
Few people plan adequately and fewer still can afford to. I do wonder though, if the young people of today on their mighty minimum wage of £9:50 per hour will be prepared for their total lack of pension when they reach retirement ages.
retirement age will be 100 by then
Well lockdown was mainly for the benefit of the older generation (i.e. pensioners) and now it needs to be paid for.

I agree entirely with TTT.
And the paying may very well be the end of some....those who want to live independently, yet due to age are still vulnerable and may find they need to choose between food and fuel.

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