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This has been doing the rounds on facebook for weeks.

They shouldn't be allowed to raise a child.
Love Ms Potato's surname.
There are some out there who would consider those parents to be spot on.......
I hope the baby's ok with these two.
The baby should be taken away from them and put into care.

It states the two males were remanded in custody, but the female was given bail, how can that be fair?
We probably haven't got the whole story, AOG
Model parents, yes in the sense that a model is a small replica of the real thing.
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ideal Labour party material!
I'm surprised they were allowed to call it Adolf Hitler. Perhaps we need naming rules like they have in some other countries to protect children from this kind of moron.
not likely, they shouldn't be allowed to spawn, all they will do is pass on their filth to the next generation.
They did not call the baby Adolf Hitler. They gave it a middle name of Adolf.
Vile as these people are how much danger do they actually pose?

The group they beloved to was not a real terrorist group but a band of round a hudred nutters who,apart from one savage, mainly distributed leaflets.

"Unchecked, they would have inspired violence and spread hatred and fear across the West Midlands.

I would wager that prosecuting them and giving them the oxygen of publicity has done more than this couple's 2 brain cells could ever dream of.

The real question is what is freedom of speach? Sometimes it does menot we end up listenine to unpalatable gavage.
They shouldn't be allowed to raise a child.

Have you ever said that about other such scum or do you just reserve such comments for the right wing?
Forgive me for pointing this out but that lady is not 'white', so aside from being morally reprehensible and apparently criminal she's also a bit dim :/
She may identify as white.......
Well apparently she does AL :/

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Model Parents?

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