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If Biden Is Mentally Unfit To Stand For Office Again ....

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naomi24 | 09:19 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Politics
63 Answers

how can he be fit to continue as President?   Should he go now?



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Hazi, he hasn't "stepped down". His intent is to complete his term and then let someone else take over. Everyone has been saying he's top old to run for a second term, not to complete his current one.

//Reminicent of the Dems spteful diarrheoa at TRump for four years constant, or have you convienently forgetten that bit?//

Yes, spitefully insisting he should be held responsible for his actions. Nasty lefties.

 Biden has said he's not running for a second term...he's not the first, nor will he be the last to do so.

How can he be mentally competent to complete his term?

Why can't he be Hazi? He hasn't stated that he's got Alzheimer's or anything similar. Why is the next six months different from the last four and a half years?

HAZI, a car might have some mechanical issues and be able to drive from John o' Groats to Land's End but not reliable enough to do it week after week for three month.

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We've all watched his performance lately and it's sad.  As much as he tries he clearly suffers from moments of confusion so why people are suddenly behaving as though there's nothing wrong is a mystery.   It's the reason his own party wanted him to step down.  

"why people are suddenly behaving as though there's nothing wrong is a mystery"

He's the president, for good or ill, and until he wanders naked across the White House lawn he'll remain so, supported by vested interests, tradition and pride.

I am amazed at the nastyness of hazi-hammenmouth and co. He is fit for office, let the bloke finish his term with dignity, you've got what you want, he's withdrawing from the race. That should be enough. He's not been running the show anyway so calm down a bit.

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TTT, I don't think hazi is being nasty. He's being honest. Joe is struggling.   

"Why is the next six months different from the last four and a half years?"  He's in freefall decline, as can be evidenced in his many appearances on camera.

"HAZI, a car might have some mechanical issues and be able to drive from John o' Groats to Land's End but not reliable enough to do it week after week for three month."   Fair enough, but this car is a 1970's banger which should have been put in a museum decades ago.  Plus, whatever car this one is, it should be the best in the world, not something which limps from mishap to mishap.

yes he's struggling, but he's not been running it anyway, just let him finish with dignity.

"I am amazed at the nastyness of hazi-hammenmouth and co. He is fit for office, let the bloke finish his term with dignity, you've got what you want, he's withdrawing from the race. That should be enough. He's not been running the show anyway so calm down a bit."   Thanks TTT, no nastiness intended- but this is the guy who holds the most powerful office in the world- he has said he isn't going to run for re-election, but it's January when the next President comes into office.  Who's to say he's fit to carry on another day, if he's not fit for another term?   His mental decline is shocking and if he were my relative I would be seriously worried.  Expecting him to carry on another week would be cruelty.

It's a bit too late for dignity when you call Zelensky Putin, you refer to your Vice President as Trump and look around for a dead person in a room.  Far too late.  Never mind hardly being able to walk and appearing utterly dazed and confused in interviews.

so you want him to go now in the final humilitaion? Let Harris take over? If you had an ounce of compassion you'd see how nasty you look.

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TTT, no one has suggested he be unceremoniously booted out but I think making a decision of his own volition to step down now would be far more dignified than clinging on.  

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TTT, stop making this personal.  It's a discussion - hopefully a civilised one between adults. 

if there was evidence that he was a danger to anyone by occupying the office then i would agree he should be removed regardless of how long he had left... trump for example should not have been allowed to finish the remaining days of his term after january 6th 2021

biden is clearly ailing but is capable of doing the job as a caretaker for another few months... he clearly was not up to another four years and has fortunately removed himself from the race

14:30, he did that, now leave him alone. Let the bloke have something, never realised such heartlessness exists. He's been the president in name only for at least 2 years. Let him finish off the term and bury your vitriol.

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