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Unpopular North Of The Border ?

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Canary42 | 11:41 Sun 03rd Jul 2022 | Politics
3 Answers
The following is from a letter in a Scottish Newspaper [i]
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DESPITE the barrage of barbs directed at the Prime Minister for the catastrophic loss of the two recent by-elections, he has stated that there will be no psychological transformation in his character. So the leopard is not going to change its spots.

It will just be more of the same – more bluster, more boasting, more of his casual relationship with the truth, more sound bites minus delivery, more assaults on the time-honoured conventions of Parliament, more limitation upon human rights, more breaches of international law, more refusals to take responsibility for his failure to uphold the standards of integrity expected from someone who is supposed to observe the ministerial code, and more grandstanding on the world stage while he dodges the bread and butter issues of the general public at home.

How many times have we heard him intone recently "humbly and sincerely", words worthy of a practised Uriah Heep tribute act and as deserving of the same credence?

It is about time the Tory Party got shot of him. His credibility is totally shot with his trustworthiness becoming thinner and fainter with every passing day.

Can it be that his hubris has led him to believe that he is both indispensable and invulnerable?

This electoral superhero has transformed himself into his own self-destructive Kryptonite, which will take his party down with him, if it cannot find the courage to cut him adrift promptly. [i]
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I couldn't put it better myself.


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Sounds a load of gibberish to me.
PMSL, I know you want him gone so bad it hurts and there is no way to get rid. I'm sad for you all.
The Nationalist infested Scotland wants an English Tory PM to go! No sheet Sherlock!

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