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Isn't It Surprising ....

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Canary42 | 12:14 Thu 30th Jun 2022 | Politics
13 Answers
Isn't it surprising how many folk seem to find the Prime Minister's crimes acceptable if they can find someone else also committing them.


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^ ditto.
come on dimmos
underlings carried the can ( = got fined)
and he who slurped the shampers ( = partook, sipped , drunk)


gawd - AB firing on all cyinders
//gawd - AB firing on all cyinders //

You're not though, dimmo. Boris got a fine.
If the occasional breaking of covid restrictions really was a crime there are more criminals in this country than I care to live with.
I don't think he broke them... but there you are. It's surely all been said ... hasn't it? Well, unless Canary is heading in a different direction.
Not that surprising.
It's the reason people say 'two wrongs make a right'.
The difference is Canary that the public who were caught for the same thing had no option but to cough to it, they were already bang to rights.
Johnson lied about his but was convicted.
His worshippers that a Parliamentary select committee will come to the same conclusion, all that is to be determined is the level of it and the lengths he went to in order to hide it.
I'm not sure any members of the public were subjected to the type of investigation Sir Kier and Boris have had.

Canary, I think you are talking rubbish, yet again.
*worshippers realise that
Not sure members of the public had the right to waffle and spraff until everybody (except the terminally faithful) were sick ro death of their utterly gutless and dishonest attitude.

Plod said cough up with that looming, heavy-handed way they have when dealing with proles and cough up they did.
And when Johnson was told to cough up he did, not that I think he should have and certainly not Rishi.

And I have no doubt Sir Kier would cough up too if told to.
//I'm not sure any members of the public were subjected to the type of investigation Sir Kier and Boris have had.//

Lol, just in case you’ve missed it the general public do not hold the highest political office of this country, nor are they the head of Her Majesty’s Opposition.
Those that do tend to come under scrutiny when they break the law in the same manner and so flagrantly.
Some act accordingly, some lie and squirm, some resign.

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