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horseman | 14:18 Tue 14th Aug 2001 | Music
3 Answers
Did Antonio Salieri really have anything to do with the death of Mozart, or was that just an invention to justify the plot of 'Amadeus'?


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There is no proof that Mozart died of anything other than natrual causes - the scientific opinion based on the evidence is that Mozart died from a bacteria infection caused by eating infected pork. Salieri was a well-known and respected musician in his own right, and there is no evidence to suggest that there was any animosity between the two men, or that Salieri felt any animosity towards Mozart. Please check out the Archive, and click on the 'Mozart' icon for further information about Mozart's life and career.
Reference Andy Hughes' allusion to pork parasites, the reason for the plateau at the front of German and Austrian toilets is so that they can inspect their stools for worms, owing to the unfeasibly large quantity of sausages consumed by said nations.

It is said not to be true that Salieri killed Mozart (or even envied him as much as shown in the film and play "Amadeus"). I have read in one of M's biographies that a chronicle liver infection should have caused his death. The theory of eating infected pork might be related to that.

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