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internet downloads

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mazzywoo | 08:36 Sun 18th Feb 2007 | Music
2 Answers
Hope that this is the right place to put this question! Does anyone know a good download site where you can actually look at what sort of stuff is on offer? A lot of them only let you look when you have paid but we are old fogies and would like a mix of music-jazz, classical, pop, rock and sometimes even modern stuff like trance and dance music! This would be no good if they only offer chart music! Any ideas please guys? :)


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No best answer has yet been selected by mazzywoo. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.

For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. and both let you have free trial periods to see if their sites meet your needs. Keep in mind that both of the mentioned sites are legal sites, meaning that you would have to pay for the songs in order to download them, but with trial membership you can at least see if you want to continue on with them. Most free sites make you pay a small membership fee - limewire and being the least expensive I've seen. I hope that helps.
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Thanks for that - I'll give them a go

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