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Oh my papa

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sandmaster | 17:15 Tue 02nd Jun 2009 | Artists
2 Answers
Years ago our local lollipop man told me he had once been flown to America to play the piano accordion on Eddie Calvert's record Oh Mein Papa. Unfortunately he has passed on now but he was an absolutely brilliant musician - his father having been a music lecturer. Does anyone know if there may have been truth in his claim? I don't doubt he was good enough to record, but flown to America?


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What was the Lollipop mans name? Was it Martin Slavin

If hes that good he must have done more than one record
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I only knew him as Reg. He did act as a session musician. He once told me his father used to make him practice 2 - 3 hours every night during most of his childhood and made him really fed up. But he came round our house one night and entertained us for hours with his accordion. He was superb.

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Oh my papa

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