Just a bit of light hearted fun. But how many artists or bands can you list that have a colour in their name, or their whole name is just one colour. I will start everyone off with: Deep... ...
Just wondering will the BBC broadcast a Christmas Top of the pops this year? The iconic music tv program, it has been described as a musical institution, ran from the 60's until 2006. Personally I... ...
If you think of all the successful band names over the years, is their success helped by the actual band name, like The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Thin Lizzy, Status Quo, ABBA, Pink Floyd etc... ...
there is this song that i have heard over and over i just dont know who sings it and what the name is....here is one line..... TELL YOUR BOYFRIEND THAT IF HE'S GOT BEEF THAT I'M A VEGATARIAN AND I...
We have recently made a 5 minute documentary for our Media Production course at University and have been looking to get permission to use 'Elbow - One Day Like This' and 'Sigur R?s - Gl?s?li'. We have...
have a new album out. Just thought I would mention it. Listening to it now, sounds good. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Devil-Wind-They-Couldn t-Hang/dp/B00274OCG0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=musi...
Years ago our local lollipop man told me he had once been flown to America to play the piano accordion on Eddie Calvert's record Oh Mein Papa. Unfortunately he has passed on now but he was an...
I cannot for the life of me put a name to the song or the singer, a woman, who recorded a Wedding Song in the late 1950s early 1960s. It had lyrics that were similair to this "I see the church I see...
the following sets of initials represent a hit record and artist/s and either title or performer includes name of a fruit or similar e.g. tomato, pepper, etc. LITFD BY B thanks in advance for any...