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How Long Does It Take For A Car To Be Ready? 

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Treacle71 | 12:12 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Motoring
34 Answers

I put down a deposit for a used car (two years old) at a proper/major dealer just on Friday. I am completely new to this and so does anyone know how long it takes until I'm contacted for collection? The salesman said they have to do a 145 point check or something. Just wondered what the standard wait time is. Thank you.



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You tell them, you are the customer.
12:21 Wed 14th Aug 2024

There isn't a standard - all depends on the dealer. Ask the salesman. Anything from a few hours to a few weeks.

How long's a piece of string?

It'll depend on how busy their workshop is etc.

However, I would have expected the car to have had it's thorough going over BEFORE it was put out for sale.

You tell them, you are the customer.

Listen to the first minute of this.


This should have been agreed when you put the deposit down.  Give them a ring

Can't honestly think of 145 things that need checking on a car.

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Thank you everyone. I rang them and they said they had a few last minute things to do on the car and it's ready for collection as from tomorrow!

Hurrah!  What have you bought?

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It's a Toyota, barry1010. I don't know if I'm over-thinking things, but I'd like to have been contacted and kept updated with the car instead of me having to chase it. I just wonder how long I'd have had to have waited 🤔. Hmmmm. But maybe I'm wrong 🤷.

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Thank you for the video, newmodarmy xx

To answer your original question, sometimes 5 months. For  business ordered a new car, told at the time would take 4 months, no problem as long as it's in this financial year. We gat a call saying your car had arrived, be ready in two days. Get a call a day later, oops the car isn't correct, wrong colour, wrong engine. Transporter probably made a mix up, turns out it wasn't the transporter at fault. VW have gone strike at the factory where your car is made, no idea how long the wait will be, told them to forget it. Found something else in stock. 5 months later dealer is ringing up, 'your car has been delivered' when I said I didn't want it they started getting all funny about it, threatened legal action because they had deal down on paper,  salesman we dealt with has left the company. 'Take me to court see how far it gets you'.

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Wow, netherfield 😮

@19.24...not quite answering the original question, though.

Ordering a brand new car from the factory is not the same as picking up a pre-owned one already at the dealers.

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Think I'm regretting I bought my car now.  I've had a whole host of problems since purchasing it.  I wish I'd never bought it now!  First, I took out insurance for it starting from the day of collection of the car, then the next day I was driving along the motorway (just 3 miles in), when a stone flipped up and cracked the entire windscreen.  I thought, "That's OK, my insurance will cover that", but no it didn't because I only took out bronze cover and I had to pay £1500 yesterday for a new windscreen.  Now, when I drive it it's rattly and noisy, which wasn't like it when I drove off from the forecourt.  The dealer I bought it from is quite a way away, so I'll have to take it to another dealer for inspection, closer to home.  Wish I hadn't bothered now buying one.  Everything's gone wrong since I bought it 🤦🏻‍♀️.  If this keeps up I'll have to get a refund for it as it's only two weeks in and I've two weeks left if I want to return it 😢.   So disappointed.

Good Morning, that seems awfully expensive, what is the make and model and does it have a camera on the windscreen?

For £1500 I'd want an artist painting in oils never mind a camera.

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It's a Toyota Aygo Cross (2022).  It doesn't have a camera.

£1500 just for the windscreen? My gast is well & truly flabbered!

sounds like you've bought a pup love, take it back if you can.

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