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Buying 1 Car & Selling Another

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quizman55 | 19:09 Mon 20th May 2013 | Motoring
4 Answers
Any help regarding my situation, I am buying a car from a garage, this car is taxed to next March, I want to sell my present car, taxed to November, problem is I cannot insure both cars at once. Ideal situation is to sell present car first, (this is going in for MOT on Wednesday so will have 13 months test on it when it is sold) then collect new car. However how do I ensure that the old car is legal? I mean I can declare it SORN to avoid having to have insurance on it, off road obviously, change insurance to the new car ready to drive. What happens when you SORN a vehicle? Do you have to cash the tax in? How long does it take for the insurance to show up as not valid on the old car? Hopefully the car will be sold by Wednesday next week. Or do I SORN the new car until the old car is sold?

Many thanks to those who reply


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If it's only a week or so why don't you use a temporary insurance site like
Why cant you insure it. I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago and I found my insurance company gave me 14 days free insurance on second car until I sold it. Worth giving them a ring to see if they can help.
"More Than"to name but,one do this and will extend the 14 days if you have not sold your old car within this period.
most insurers will cover both cars for a few weeks for a relatively small fee, ask.

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Buying 1 Car & Selling Another

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