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Back out of buying a car?

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jenniprice | 14:01 Thu 08th Oct 2009 | Cars
2 Answers
My friend has rushed into buying a car. She went on Monday to have a look as her's is getting old now, in the end she was persuaded into buying a new one.

She put down £250 to reserve it(which they claimed was not a deposit) which would be deducted when brought it-pretty standard stuff.
Well now she's really upset as she's decided it is out of her price range and not the car she wants. She just got swept away in the heat of the moment- stupid I know!

She really wants to get out of buying it, BUT doesn't want to lose her £250. She says she has 14 days cooling off period with credit agreement, but does this mean she will get her £250 back, or does she still have to buy the car?
I've never done anyhting like this (well try to back out) so not totally sure.
My gutt instinct is that she can pull out, but they will keep her £250.

Is there anyway anyone knows how she could get money back?

Also she has emailed them to say she wants to back out yesterday, but hashad no response. We're thinking that if within a few days(and no weekend has gone by) then might be kind to her, but with current climate maybe not!!
Please advise if can...


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I dont really know the answer to that one, but i would post it again in law, or shopping,
Question Author
Ok thanks, will try law..

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Back out of buying a car?

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