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ladyshy | 10:55 Fri 19th Jan 2007 | TV
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Who gives a flying bleep?!



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I dunno, I imagine it's the same as soaps or something?

Or perhaps they just don't have much going on themselves?

I honestly don't know....
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Maybe it just appeals to voyerist in people?

Personally there's things I'd rather spy on tho... ;0)
Bob. That's something I will never understand. I asked a question last night on why J Goody was a role-model for lots of people, & I didn't get a reply.

Going back to trashy t.v. How many progs had you glued to the t.v last year. I can think of only 2, they were Life on Mars & The Street, which in my was one of the best dramas i've ever seen. Any more?
i only watch sport, documentaries and the occasional film terrestrial tv is hardly ever on with me, soaps reality tv i just dont get them and never will
Do you think that most people watch BB because it's often a topic of conversation in the workplace? It's the same with Eastenders or the like. Generic tv aimed at the masses is usually the talking point, and most people have a basic need to 'fit in'.

Or maybe I'm looking too deep. I've got my Freudian head on today!
Oh dear, isn�t It awful. Not so much the �incident/incidents� but more so the amount of media and front page headlines this has generated. In any other context, highlighting issues over class differences, racism and bullying would be meliorative. But when it is in the name of ratings boosting, minor �celebs� on a boring puerile fish bowl of a show, its just plain embarrassing that (the royal) we are so interested.

To answer your original question though, it would appear that the whole nation gives a flying beep, including dullards, intellectuals, politicians, the media and international groups.

Personally I don�t watch any of it, only the news highlights and being a cynic I am certain that the whole thing is orchestrated to boost ratings and the number of phone voters. To quote the Ch4 head, he has said, if you disagree with the behaviour so much then phone in and vote for the eviction. I can hear them rubbing their hands and it is grating.
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Hey Carrust,

That's funny, I was talking about that the other day too.

I can't watch things over a long period of time. Not soaps, not series, not anything like that. I did watch Tribe. I think that was in the last year and that was brilliant.

I don't remember being glued to anything for any length of time...

There was that show with Bill Nighly in and the bloke from life on mars... load of journalists and politicans.... that was good....

Can't think.
I cant remember being glued to any tv either. I dont watch any of the soaps/reality programmes/quiz shows etc. i do sometimes watch documentaries and sometimes watch those 2 part dramas they have on but other than that I either have a music channel on or watch a dvd.
Meliorative. Now there's a cool word.
Its funny the amount of people that say they don't watch it but know the people in it and also whats going on!

Lets hope that BB8 is cancelled.
I'm with Pixi, I'm a film buff but purely for the escapism factor. I have quite a vivid imagination and films with great storylines often fuel that.

I can't stand 'voyeuristic' shows though. Soaps come under this heading for me too. Anything which makes you feel like you're watching other people's lives and their day-to-day dramas is just odd! I just can't conceive myself getting a thrill out of watching outrageous dramas unfold on Eastenders. I have enough of my own problems to worry about thank you!
I've just thought of a couple; In the thick of it..a political comedy on BBC4 & the new Jack Dee comedy on the same channel.

If you really want intrigue,affairs,drugs issues & farmer's wives nearly running-off with the cowman, look no further than the Archers! me the saddo of the year trophy please.
Don't watch it, Don't want to. Sick of hearing about a bunch of overpaid nobodies who think they are better than the average person. Ban the blinking lot of them and get rid of stupid shows like this.
Im with you 4getmenot ,if I don't like a program I don't watch it and wouldn't comment on them perhaps others should do the same
Fine if said programme is not on front page headlines and on national TV news and being discussed by our politicians abroad. But as we have been subjected to the issues and practically forced to have an opinion or take sides, then we have to respond accordingly. That�s democracy for you.
Yer but it is real life. What about all the free Deirdrie crap that went on, thats not even real life but people were stupid enough to follow that
Yes, but she was innocent.
Susan Carter was innocent too - ask Carrust!
I quite agree there is a huge amount of crap on the TV however there are some gems too. When I do watch (I read more thean watch TV) I watch a wide selection mainly stuff on BBC2 and BBC4. I can't bear any of the soaps but I do dip into other 'dumbed down' programmes occasionally a habit I developed years ago as I have to meet a wide range of people from all backgrounds and ages in the course of my work and I found at least knowing the outline of popular programmes enabled me to do the 'small talk'.
I've never watched BB before this week, I'm at home sick. Do I give a fly bleep...not really, but the ensuing discussions have been very interesting lol!
Ah the Ambridge 1. That brings back memories. Correct me if i'm wrong,but wasn't she guilty for habouring Clive Horrobin when he escaped from prison? Mind you, I think she should have got life...can't stand the woman.
Yes she did spawn the horrendous Emma what a trollop she is. Emma not Susan, Susan doesn't have it in her to be a trollop.

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