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Strictly Come Dancing....

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Jemisa | 00:40 Wed 26th Aug 2009 | Reality TV
5 Answers
Now BB is coming to an end us reality fans will have SCD to keep us warm. Here is the line up for this year if you missed it. >>>Phil Tuffnell-Cricket >>> Rav Wilding-Crimewatch>>> Ricky Whittle-Hollyoaks>>> Craig Kelly-Corrie>>> Joe Calzaghe-Boxing>>> Richard Dunwoody-Jockey>>> Chris Hollins-BBC sports Rep'r>>> Ricky Groves-Garry EE The Ladies >>>Jo Wood-ex wife of Ronnie Wood>>> Zoe Lucker-Footballers Wives>>> Laila Rouass- Bollywood Star>>> Ali Bastian-The Bill>>> Linda Bellingham-(age 61)- Actress>>> Martina Hingis-tennis>>> Natalie Cassidy-ex EE>>> Jade Johnson-Pro Long Jumper>>>

I'm looking forward to it are you.?



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I've actually heard of six of them!
Once again a lovely ethnic mix from the Beeb but where is the Chinese representative?
25% of the worlds population ignored once again :-(
I'm looking forward to it, too.
The Chinese may make up 25% of the world's population but they do not make up 25% of the UK's sports men and women, actors and so-called 'celebs'.
Maybe some Chinese people were invited but refused.
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Maybe you have a point BF, I can only think of two semi-famous chinese (cooks) Nancy Lam & Ken Hom. Any more anyone?

What happened to Fern Britton? The Sun devoted a whole page to her being in secret talks to be signed up.
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Yes Pips I wondered that. She was supposed to have been dancing with Brendon Cole. Now he is dancing with Jo Wood.
You can bet there's a story there somewhere.
A N D ...Didn't I hear Lynford Christy had signed up for this years prog. too.?? Hmmm!!


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Strictly Come Dancing....

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