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Corrie's Fiz

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Glpblondie | 20:55 Mon 31st Jan 2011 | Film, Media & TV
39 Answers
So they keep mentioning that theres not money coming in....why isn't she receiving maternity pay from the factory? I'm confused??


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So where is Schmichael then?? And why doesnt Sally go to see a solicitor?
Cause Sally is a gobsh!te haha
I liked her in Rock Follies. Now I'm showing my age!!
I thought Sally was really good the other night when she wrecked the house when those people came to view the house......good on her :)
Sally pulled a blinder getting the Windasses round for dinner.
She was good in Rock Follies Chrissa :o). I loved that programme. See, I am as young as you are!!
I had the Rock Follies LP, tut, wonder where old LPs go, it's one that didn;t leave home with me : (
I've still got it Dotty!
I still have the Julie Covington single 'Don't cry for me Argentina'. (She was in Rock Follies!!). I am sure you will be so interested!!!
Last week Eileen was offered a job at the factory and Tracey's offer of a job was withdrawn. Golly, wasn't she mad! (Tracey I mean)
What I want to know is, where's baby Liam? Next time we see him he'll probably be 16!
I think you can see why Rula Lenska and Dennis Waterman got divorced....
I wondered that Tizzi 24. Also who does the babysitting for all the children in Coronation Street. When all the parents are in the pub, there must be a lot of money around to pay for paid babysitters.
Eccles was served up with veg to celebrate the return of the devil woman.
Fiz should either be getting maternity benefit or other help as John is in hospital and can't work, Chesney has offered to help he seems to make a lot of money on the market stall, she still can go to the pub and she has internet as well so she must have some income, she should contact Dom from Saints and Scroungers he will be able to help.
who was going to drive the car that tyrone said was knackered, cos last i seen fiz could only ride a motorcycle
In this day and age, Fiz could be getting all sorts of benefits.
I love Julie, she is going to become a true Corrie star if given the right scripts.
ooh rock follies! I had the single 'only women bleed' by julie covington.
They don't seem to play it these days!

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