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emmerdale tonight

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alan-r | 20:13 Thu 09th Apr 2009 | Film, Media & TV
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i know its trivial but watching it tonight Lisa is complaining about the "small" tv when she just sold the large plasma which was a present Delilah left,and now she want a larger one? and why are shadrach and zac poaching for food when they have just walked out of a pub meal without finishing it which would have cost at least �15 for the three of them ??, i know it a soap but lets get some semblance of reality


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None of the soaps have any semblance of reality. Things that annoy me...

- Everybody works within about 10 feet of their house.
- Nobody has any friends that don't live just across the road or right next door
- They can all afford to drink in the local every night despite having low paid jobs
- Ditto eat in the local cafe
- They all want to live in Albert Square despite the extremely high murder and mortality rate!!

That's just off the top of my head, I could go on all night...

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