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buffy season 8

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keg | 20:14 Sun 12th Sep 2004 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
i have been told that they are making a buffy season 8. can anybody tell me any thing about it. thanks.


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Sorry to dissapoint but there will be no Season 8. Season 7 is the final one. Angel, the spin-off from Buffy has also now finished with the show's creator/producer Joss Weadon now busy on Serenity, a film version of his short lived show 'Firefly' he is also rumoured to be directing X-men 3
Smeg_head is right no more Buffy. I think joss was supposed to be making some movies of the week but I don't know because I heard that Chrisma Carpenter and David Boreanez don't want to so who knows!!!
They're supposed to be doing an animated buffy series, or another spinoff about Faith. at least that's what i've read anyway.

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