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holiday showdown

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mullein3 | 15:20 Sat 11th Feb 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
can anyone tell me what happend in the second half i was really enjoying it and fell asleep..and i have missed the repeat show..i was awake until they finished the holiday in bristol and had just told them where they were going "thailand" ...then it was zzzzzzz...i must admit i thought the family from bristol had tunnell vision taking holidays where they lived every was allmost as though they were afraid to venture past their doorstep..thanks for any info.....


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How patient were that family to stay in someone�s home for a week a not complain, anyhow, off they went to Thailand, Bristol Mum was very jealous of how well her girls got along with the other family, tried her best to stop them from joining in. Dad suffered from vertigo and was afraid of water so he didn�t do much. (Bit of a wimp if you ask me). The girls had a wonderful time, shopping, elephant riding and river rafting, they did manage to get there Dad on the elephants though, I certainly think they will be using there passports again. And for once the show ended on a happy note with both families thanking each other.

I just saw the end of it, but the Mum is happy to stay at home but her daughters have caught the travel bug.

Sorry but I didn't watch the programme. However I couldn't let this pass, without complementing you in bringing a huge smile to my face in your superb description of "What happened next."

" I was really enjoying it and fell asleep "

Classic !!!

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cnb...the reason i fell asleep was because i am ill..i have a rare blood disorder and have to get injections to stay alive and as my injection is nearly due thats why i fell asleep as i get really tired and by 9 at night i am wrecked..i was enjoying it and was fighting tiredness then i just black out...thanks for the other replys ..
mullein3 ..... Now I feel I've said the wrong thing ! The last thing I want to do is to offend anyone, so please accept my apologies. Under any other circumstance it would have sounded funny, but now you have explained matters, its by no means the case. I hope your condition improves in time and you continue to enjoy the next episodes of Holiday Showdown in the coming weeks.
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its okay you wasnt to know ..i miss lots of programmes after 9 o clock that must be my cutting off time..its really frustrating as i am watching something good and away i go..i like holiday showdown as its light entertainment...

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