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Anyone Seen Teachers Channel 5 Monday Night

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gordiescotland1 | 02:06 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

Hi there 

Anyone see Teachers on Monday night on channel five I thought it was absolutely fantastic, riveting really enjoyed it, what did everyone else think ?



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I've recorded it, so definitely looking forward to watching it now you've recommended it. 

Thought it was ridiculous and unbelievable that two teachers in charge of the teenagers would go off and do what they did in the middle of the day.

Ah, seems Teachers is a little like Marmite?

It certainly is watchable. 

ok is this about "The Teacher" or "Teachers" ?

I could have done without the background music. Unnecessary, noisy and distracting

,.........and all the cast could have SPOKEN UP a bit. They all seemed to be whispering for some reason!

Had volume up high too.

Not the only programme to have terrible diction by actors. SPEAK UP! Or improve the recording qualty!

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Anyone Seen Teachers Channel 5 Monday Night

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