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On Utube Is There Any Way To Look Back...

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sandyRoe | 20:47 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

...for the title of music you've played?



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It depends upon whether or not you've got your YouTube Watch History turned on.See here:
20:52 Sat 07th Sep 2024

It depends upon whether or not you've got your YouTube Watch History turned on.

See here:

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I found it with your help.  Ta.

the Library carries all the previous viddz you have watched - very useful if you are following a course

go to  U tube space bar - and control-H shd give you a site history

works also for Chrome

BUT if you watch a 3 min viddie and it  runs on to its own related choice for you - - this is NOT recorded ( which is a bit of a pain)

library tag - four or five down from search

OR.....  control-H

sozza havent had breakfast

I'm amazed it doesn't record the multitude of unwanted ads too. Maybe they've not thought of that yet.

they need the lu-lu ( from the unwanted ads) so as on AB we have to put up with it.

The customer is always wrong

Looking at your YouTube history is dangerous!  It makes it clear how many hours of cat videos, true crime and Mentour Pilot clips you have watched.😂

My guilty secret is - - five arabic words, five NT greek words and currently a MOOC on quantum mechanics

I am a sad donkey - oh and a LOT on Harry and Meghan

oh and Rinaldo ( Handel) and Judith, oratorio - this is a bit like showing someone your dirty knickers istn it

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