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Any Film Recommendations?

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naomi24 | 16:29 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

Well-made sci-fi or gritty thrillers? 



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I don't watch many films but I recently watched a four part series Cuckoo which I very much enjoyed.

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Thanks Barry but I've seen that.

Did you like it?  

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Yes, a bit unbelievable but it wasn't bad.  I like a good series too.  

How about Kin?  The second series is just as good as the first

I agree about Kin - believable plot, characters abd good script.

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I don't think I've seen that but I'll check it out.  Thanks.

Sci Fi: Passengers, The Martian

Thrillers: Jagged edge, Gone girl

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I've definitely seen The Martian (twice), and I think I've seen Jagged Edge and Gone Girl (I'll check those). Passengers I haven't seen.  Thanks TTT.

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Drat.  Just checked Passengers and I've seen it.

Source Code, Deja Vu


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Ooo, they sound promising.  Thanks.

There's a series on Prime based on the Jason Bourne stuff called Treadstone, created by Tim Kring who brought us Heroes and something I haven't seen called Touch, according to the blurb for episode 1.

Deja Vu is superb although quite long. I've watched it over and over  so really deja vu for me :-)

I watched 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' on late-night telly recently.  It's a light-hearted take on the James Bond movies, with elements of sci-fi thrown into it, with an absorbing (if totally ridiculous) plot and some superb acting.  It's also very, very funny!

I'm currently watching, "Me, My Brother and our Balls" on BBC iPlayer.

On second thoughts, no, perhaps not what you are looking for:-)


Even tho it was subtle and 3hrs long brilliant. 

Gravity and Interstellar. Both excellent films (IMO), particularly Interstellar...

Starship Troopers is starting shortly on ITV4 (9pm).  Radio Times gives it 4 stars out of 5:

^^^ excellent one of the few Robert Heinlein books that have been made into film.

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