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The Best (Worst) T W A U I've Ever Heard

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naomi24 | 14:02 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
30 Answers

From Tipping Point.


Q.  Which of the giant planets does the moon Ganymede orbit?


Answer contestant 1.    The Sun.


Answer contestant 2.   The Moon.



Me:  Gobsmacked!



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Just reading the snidey little comments, TTT.  I'd have sworn most people know the sun and the moon aren't planets but it seems not.  Now I'm even more gobsmacked.  πŸ™„

TORATORATORA, "Ganymede is well known as one of the 4 galilean moons of Jupiter"

What is your understanding of, "well known"? 


09:57 you'll find with these that normally intelligent people would rather appear thick than join in with the light hearted intention.

Light-hearted or snidey?

The jury's out.

Question Author

TTT, I wouldn't expect everyone to know that Ganymede orbits Jupiter - but I would expect them to know that the sun and the moon aren't planets.  Perhaps they're just slow on the uptake.  

That's the point that people deliberately miss with these Naomi. The actual answer is usually irrelevant and usually  obvious. It's the silliness of the answers given that amuses.

There's an old saying when it comes to discussing quiz show questions relating to space.

'Get your head out of Uranus'. x

10:14 Also I am regularly amazed at how little knowledge gen y and onwards have of things, especially millenials.

Maybe they know more of what they NEED to know & less of what they don't?

(unless of course they choose to go on quiz shows)

I think TTT should be a quiz show host, coz he knows everything and has the capability to denigrate those that he considers inferiorπŸ˜πŸ˜’πŸ™„ 


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