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Radio 3 Going Downhill

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brainiac | 12:56 Sun 10th Mar 2024 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers

What on earth is happening to Radio 3?  I've noticed in the past few weeks a general dumbing-down of what they choose to play, especially in the morning, but now today we're subjected to 'the sound of cinema' all ruddy day.

Could the fact that the new Controller of Radio3, Sam Jackson, who took over last year, used to be in charge of Classic FM have anything to do with it?



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The problem with Radio is that you are subjected to other peoples' choices. If you don't like their choices you will not be happy.

You should change your music listening to a streaming service, there are many of them out there. They learn from YOUR picks and will offer you music more atuned to your tastes.

You're going to love Radio 3's new composer of the week then, Brainiac: it's Ennio Morricone! 🎼 😊.

(To be fair though, normality seems to resume in the following week, with Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli moving into that slot).

Getting an ex-Classc FM boss isn't the worst that could happen to Radio 3 though.  It might have been someone from Scala Radio (which has an even looser definition of 'classical music' than Classic FM does!).

Just to get you in the mood for the coming week, this performance from the Danish National  Symphony Orchestra is superb!

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