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What's The Scariest Film(S) You've Ever Seen?

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tiggerblue10 | 16:56 Sat 30th Apr 2022 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers
This has probably been asked on here many times but hey ho....I'm tired, bored and no longer in control of the tv remote!

Mine are The Changeling, La Cabina and Wolf Creek. And anything based on real life historical events involving executions.


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Good afternoon Tigger, did you know there's a TV series of Wolf Creek, I watched it a few weeks ago. As for scariest film too many to mention but the Conjuring sprung instantly to mind.
Definitely The Shining.
Spice World. She was in almost every scene.
I don't watch and don't enjoy anything scary.

But many years ago I watched a film with my mother and brother. My mum kept hyping up the drama of the film - she thought that she was being funny. She made it seem so terrifying.

This is the film:

My brother is left unscathed by the film and actually used to stay up late to watch scary stuff with mum.

Lol Jim, I've see that too.
Mirrors (2008) was quite good
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Yes Arky, I've seen them all. I think there are 2 seasons of Wolf Creek.
Yes there is, I've only seen series one, I'll be house sitting next week... that's on my to do list :-) (Series2)
The only film that made me actually terrified while watching it for the first time was The Shining.
The worst for me was The Twilight Zone-The Movie.I had scarey nightmares for about three months after watching that film.Never again.I tremble right now thinking about it.
The first time I watched 'Carrie' original and A nightmare on Elm street, were scary.
‘When a Stranger Calls’ - the 1979 version - not the remake (which isn’t a patch on the original). A psychological thriller. No blood, no violence, no gore … but oh my!!! Goosebumps just thinking about it.
Sister's (first) wedding on cine film. She literally married beneath herself -short groom and he was the tallest in his family. The shots of his family arriving at the church looked like an invasion of The Diddymen. By comparison, our family looked like The Land Of Giants but we really were just normal size...

Well, you did ask, tigger;)
I saw house of Wax when I was about 13. Probably too young to get in the cinema. Vincent Price was the star. I was scared stiff for months after that
'Vacancy' is pretty scary with the gorgeous Kate Beckinsale...
I see Twilight Zone was a cursed movie from the start.It killed the actor Vic Morrow and two young child extras.Ynna trembles....again.
Blimey... that's sad. I don't recall ever seeing the original Twilight Zone movie... I used to watch the back and white tv series originals.
Its got to be Cujo surely.
That would probably be the original tv series which was re-broadcast in the 1980s about twelve oclock at night on saturday nights.I remember them also,i used to come home from the pubs and watch the old reruns of the Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits,if i can remember correctly.
I defy anyone to watch this and not be scared. I just cannot watch it, having seen it first many years ago:

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