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Ridley Road

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Vagus | 17:42 Mon 04th Oct 2021 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
For numerous reasons we couldn’t watch this last night.
We’ve watched it on catchup this afternoon and I have to say, after not being very keen on watching it, found it really good.
I see Rita Tushingham is in it, my grandparents lived near one of her fathers grocers shops in Hunts Cross and knew the family really well, ‘our Rita’ was a real celebrity.


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I wasn't sure what to expect either but also found it a good watch.
I'm not that motivated to watch it based on the description of the first episode

but I do have it recorded, and I may surprise myself..
I'm pleasantly surprised too, and am now watching it through on iplayer.
I’ve recorded it since seeing this

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Ridley Road

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