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Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020

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Matakari | 17:37 Thu 24th Dec 2020 | Crosswords
18 Answers
Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020

I am stuck on the following and would like some answers with parsing,
please ! 13B, 14B ( DEIMER?), 19B (MOTORCADE?), 24C, 31B, 36B(AMETIS?) 36C Thanks in advance!

12. … an old Welsh clarinet-like instrument playing eight notes in the time of six and a chord of three notes …

13. … of F, B and C. …(A) E L SEW H ERE (B) L _ _ DIS _ _ _ _ _ (C) I O NIA N

14. … A dreamy piece for piano, “Moonlight … (A) NOCTURNE (B) –EIM- - (C) ILLUMINATION

19. … programme: from ‘Carmen’ (‘Toreador’) … (A) EASTENDERS (B)- -TOR- - - - (C) BULLFIGHTER

24. … ‘The Witch’s Curse’ by G&S, which is considered an acceptable alternative to opera works. The …
(A) RUDDIGORE (B) OPUSES (C) M - - IPU - - - - -

31. … the recurrence of the notes adhering to ‘The Rite of Spring’’s. …
(A) RHYTHM (B) M _ RAL _ _ _ _ _ (C) VERNA L

36. …A group of Bantu speakers from South Africa, combining form denoting an instrument he may have used for measuring the cymbals’ …
( A ) XHOSA (B ) AMETIS (C) _ _ PRE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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14 Deimos (a moon of Mars)
19 Motorists (car men)
12 The pibgorn is a type of HORNPIPE
Question Author
Many thanks,jj109, for these parsed answers. I had already got all of 12, but would like some answers with parsing if possible for the following above:
And a confirmation for 36B for which I have AMETIS.
36c possibly "representations" if cymbals is a homophone for "symbols"
31b Moralistic (if "Rite" is a homophone for "right")
JJ109, the preamble mentions there being some homophones in the quiz and I think it cited some instances. I no longer have my copy.
36b I think is -ometer
(combining form to indicate an instrument used for measuring)
Thanks NAC!
24c possibly "manipulates" as in the meaning persuades, controls, directs "works".
13 iffy "loudishness" F = forte = loud in music. Therefore of forte could be "loudishness"

The C = sea = Ionian, but I don't understand either "elsewhere" or the significance of the B.

I keep thinking FB = lead in a pencil!

Is there a word "leadishness" in Chambers ??? Clutching at straws here!
Question Author
Thanks, jj109 and NAC, I had 24C, 31B and 36 C, but could not
parse them. For 13A, I imagined the "of F" ( off = away= ELSEWHERE?). Like you, I do not understand the B, but a wild idea comes to me also, if the B sounds like Bee=noisy=loud? - Interesting ideas for this Christmas day to mull over with a fine glass of wine.
Have a Good Xmas Matakari

If there is a word "leadishness" that would describe the B or graphite content in pencil leads.

I have found "leadish" but not "leadishness", but I do not have a Chambers!
Question Author
Thanks for your unstinting efforts, jj109! I'll ask my son who has a Chambers to check for leadishness.
JJ, sorry, I meant to say earlier - I couldn't find 'leadishness' in my Chambers. It was a very quick check!
Ah well! Thanks again NAC and enjoy the rest of Christmas!

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Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020

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