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Celeb Chase.......tanny Grey Thompson Was Asked....

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ToraToraTora | 20:22 Sun 22nd Mar 2020 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
What yoga position is also the name of a UK car maker? She said "Jaguar" and Brad said "I'll accept" . There is no position called Jaguar there is one called Lotus which I believe was the correct answer. Why was jaguar accepted?


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ok fair enough that's not in my pose finder link above!
No doubt his card told him in advance it was an acceptable answer.

Having been in the audience for a celebrity recording, I can confirm they do follow strict rules and cannot be lenient. They have an independent outfit overseeing the whole thing to avoid accusations and protect themselves.

A friend of mine has been on a few TV quizzes and said that quite often at the end of a round there is discussion over what is an acceptable answer. It might not be the obvious answer but sometimes the phrasing of the question is ambiguous or there are more obscure correct answers.

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Celeb Chase.......tanny Grey Thompson Was Asked....

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