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Abh Help.

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worriedandnervou | 18:46 Thu 29th Nov 2018 | Law
4 Answers
I was arrested for ABH a couple of weeks ago and I need some advice. (Note, I work as a legal adviser in a very different area of law).

A couple of weeks ago I found out my partner (we lived together) cheated on me which is why they dumped me, which I obviously didn't react too well. I wasn't happy about this and we had an argument. I went into my bedroom, and they followed me in, holding onto my shoulders and had me backed into a corner and I slapped them. It wasn't a hard slap and I didn't touch their glasses (both female). I then jumped onto the bed to escape the room, and they grabbed me to chase me, tripped over and hit their head. She was knocked out (note her glasses were still perfectly on her face). Her friend who was in the house called an ambulance and as a result, the police turned up. They arrested me and I later found out that my ex partner is saying that I punched her (no bruises or marks) and she wants to take this further. I didn't punch her, and fortunately from the start I was dazed about the fact that the person I love is on the floor and kept saying 'I only slapped her'. Her friends statement backs this up, as does the polices statement. I argued self defense to the police officer, as she was blocking my exit out of the room, and was holding me in the room.

I was bailed pending further investigation, but I am very worried about this. I do not have any previous convictions and even the police officer who arrested me commented on my good character. The reasons for my bail conditions (not seeing her etc) were for my own protection. The police commented on how quickly she came round when they touched her ear and she has never had any bruises or marks on her. She was back out drinking 2 nights later, taking drugs less than a week later. But she is maintaining that she was injured from this (after speaking to doctor friends and my own experience with hitting my head, this is very unlikely).

I am very worried about this. One I am worried because I genuinely still love my ex partner and I hate that it has got this nasty and two I am worried about my life being dramatically affected, for example, my grandparent is ill and I was not able to stay at the hospital with my family late into the night because of my bail. I also have been taken off client visits at work because they are worried that she might tell clients about this.

A couple of the solicitors at work seem to think that this will be dropped, but could anyone help with any possible scenarios that might happen?

Thank you.


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You keep referring to ‘they’ - they followed you in to the bathroom. How many people were present when you slapped your ex?
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No one bar me and her in the room. I was trying to be gender neutral. Her friend was in the flat, but didn’t see it.
I have some sympathy for the position you are in, but the fact is, if you hit someone, whether it is "just a slap" or a punch, there are likely to be consequences. I don't know what possible scenario could result from the episode you describe, but in the absence of injury to the victim of your assault, and also the absence of a witness to what exactly took place in the room, it might be difficult for her to prove her charge. As far as your work is concerned, it is likely that your reputation will precede you for a while after this, but it will eventually be forgotten.
Nobody on here can forecast with any degree of certainty whether proceedings will follow or not. The CPS will look at all the evidence and determine whether you should be charged and what the charge might be. Speculation at this stage is pointless and will only serve to either falsely reassure you (which your solicitor colleagues seem to be doing) or paint the worst case scenario.

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