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soliloquy | 15:00 Thu 17th May 2018 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
It has been reported for some time that somebody is going to die in Emmerdale tonight. Gerry has discovered the truth about Lachlan and last night's episode ended with Lachlan googling how to murder someone. Surely that must be a red herring and it's somebody else who is going to die.


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Red herring or a double bluff?
I hope it's not Gerry. I was hoping it would be Doug but that mean more drama for Laurel, and I've had enouhg of her lately!
It's probably not gonna be any of the main characters, Ross gets tangled up with the druggies so it's probably one of them (just guessing though)
I'm glad it was Gerry, he was a pest, always sticking his nose into others buisness. If had been Lachlan, I would have smacked him in the mouth a long time ago.
Is Lachlan going to be a bigger serial killer than Phelan...

More pathetic script writing. I the the writer got the idea from playing a game of 'mousetrap'
*think the
Trying to say that Doug is guilty of manslaughter is ridiculous.He would have to have been guilty of intending Jerry to die, or have been reckless or negligent resulting in his death, none of which apply.The present script writers should stick to advertising Mc.Cains and let some intelligent writers take over
With Belle being up the duff the writers must be paving the way for a family of murders/ loony tunes. Oh, so much to look forward to.

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