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Emmerdale Tonight

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elliemay1 | 23:38 Thu 04th Dec 2014 | Film, Media & TV
22 Answers
Getting sick of the nonsense that is Emmerdale. Ashley tonight was the last straw!!


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Apart from the fact that this was not love but sheer lust.
16:54 Fri 05th Dec 2014
Hear Hear! What next Carla and Tracy snogging each others Face off in Corrie!!
I thought Ashley looked creepy the storylines are getting ridiculous
It's getting really stupid,Now the two boys are at it, and It's way before the watershed, I'm no prude But what explaining will mums have To curious kids?
don't watch it, or any soaps come to that, but this made me reply...

"what explaining will mums have To curious kids? "

Really? How about "sometimes, love can happen between 2 men or 2 women as well" or similar.
I stopped watching Emmerdale about 4 weeks ago and have not missed it at all... I just read the Soaps section in the weekend TV magazine to find out if anything interesting is happening, which it isn't!!
last night was a bit over the top with the gay lesbian scenes,it could have been split into different episodes not be seemingly pushed in our faces, i have a son who is gay and well adjusted. wev'e no problems with and gay,lesbian issues. but this was too much in one episode
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Yes, Ashley looked creepy. If I had been Harriet I would have run a mile.
Lol, I'll have to go and watch it on catch up now, curious as to what Ashley was doing!
Ashley and Laurel were much better suited. The lady vicar is pig ugly!
There's yet another interrupted "wedding" tonight!

/// "what explaining will mums have To curious kids? " ///

/// Really? How about "sometimes, love can happen between 2 men or 2 women as well" or similar. ///

And your answer to "then why do they have to take each others clothes off when they are in love" would be?
When you're in love don't have to takeyour clothes off to have a good time
I wouldn't mind that wig when he's finished with it!

/// When you're in love don't have to takeyour clothes off to have a good time ///

No but they did in Emmerdale and that is what this thread is about, the fact that it took place before the watershed and that parents may have to answer awkward questions from their youngsters.
Apart from the fact that this was not love but sheer lust.
Well yeah, they should have gone to the Woolly first where they could have danced & partied all night and drunk some cherry wine!
Mags, the so-called kids of today could teach us all a thing or two, they are not as innocent as you may think.
I've always watched Emmerdale but it's gone daft and boring now. After last nights botch up I've decided not to watch it anymore and this is from a soap addict!
in this case only a shirt was removed not the trousers as well
kat-kin my thoughts exactly...the daftness of it all has taken away the credibility of the most of the characters now. Sure, we all do things out of character from time to time but the script writers have made it all so silly now. I've given Emmerdale a miss now for about a month, after enjoying it for many years, and venturing back out of curiousity for one episode gave me no interest in watching it again.

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