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Redundancy after administration/recievership of company

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tufty7 | 19:56 Sat 26th Feb 2011 | Law
3 Answers
Can anyone please advise me on this , The company i have worked for went into administration and mothballed on the 15th of February and we were all sent home whilst they attempted to find a buyer , we were told we would not get paid as from the 27th of january as well,
This week I attended a meeting and were told the company had finished and been placed into receivership, we have been told that a form will be sent out for us to claim off the redundancy payment scheme, ,
question 1 is will this RPS scheme pay us 90 days consultation as we have not been given this time as per contract notice as well as redundancy ??

Question 2 is will I be able to claim back my car allowance of 280 per month back dated to December ? or would this have to be as a creditor to the now defunct company ?
Thanks for any information given ......


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I'm not certain but I think you'll get statutory payments for money owed and redundancy pay, but that's capped at around £330 a week. I think you'll get teh statutory redundancy terms not the old company terms.
Try the directgov site
There's no need to wait until you receive the relevant form. You can download it from here:

Reading through that form should help you to understand what you can claim from the National Insurance Fund.

As Factor30 indicates, as far as the redundancy is concerned, you should get the statutory minimum amount in the same way as if you would have from the company if it was still trading (but not offering redundancy payments above the statutory minimum).

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Thanks to both of you , When I recieved the form i went through it with a fine tooth comb , When I got to the question does your employer owe you? I called the RPS and they advised me to roll it all in and send it off , Thats what I have done but I am sure they will only pay what they think anyway ......
As for other outstanding expenses they owe me , I have registered as a creditor and would expect pennies in the pound back ,

I would urge anyone that feels there is something amiss with the company they work for to ensure all expenses and other costs are not allowed to build up , get them in and get them paid or get your fingers burned like me ...........

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Redundancy after administration/recievership of company

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