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Claiming back on a debit card

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pugit | 23:08 Fri 03rd Nov 2006 | Law
4 Answers
My Son paid for a new cooker off a company via the internet and payed with his bank debit card. The company then went into administration meaning he did not receive his cooker. He has been told that he will not receive any thing back from company. A friend has told us that he might be able to claim off the bank. Where does he stand.
Many Thanks


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I think the only redress you have is if you paid with a credit card and not a debit card. A debit cards acts as if you paid by cash. I might be wrong but unfortunately i don't think there is anything your son can do.
He doesn't unless it's a credit card.
i would get your son to call the bank and say he never authorised the payment,The money is put back into ur account until it is settled between him and the company.
yeah, that could work, although it be tempted to go and find whoevers company it was and steal their car...

hmm, only joking! ,......

im not sure if, they can track you, your ip address will have been recorded and you might get tracked back to your pc if they do an investigation

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Claiming back on a debit card

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