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Have I Done Something Wrong???

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SazzyB | 00:11 Wed 20th Nov 2013 | Law
9 Answers
Hi I asked a question about court papers etc becoming public record before sentencing. And I have received 0 responses, yet others who posted later than I have had their questions answered. So I thought that I may have done something wrong/asked a previously answered question /phrased incorrectly etc?
If my question has been answered can someone point me in the correct place? I have tried googling this question,a quick search of, and finally this wikipedia article:'_court_(England_and_Wales) which mentions the courts are open to the public, but not of records or where these would be found? Can anyone help? Many Thanks


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probably just that nobody kinows the answer! You get an entirely random collection of amateurs on this site and it's just pot luck if anyone knows what you want to hear.
Sazzy I would have answered if it had been something I knew about. You haven't done anything wrong, it just doesn't look as though there is anyone on here tonight that can help you, it is rather a specialised question.
I dont think the delay-time is that long - kuppla hours

No my sweet - you have done nothing wrong

The courts are open to the public and if you want to know what goes on, er you have to turn up on the day at the time.
This is no implication in the above that they are courts of record.
You/ one can appeal magistrates decisions and I am not sure what records are available for appeal. I just havent seen them printed - ever
I dont think they are.

I pleaded guilty to drink driving and an outside statutory authority asked the court for more details and was sent away with a flea in its ear saying the charge was [driving whilst p+ssed ] and I had pleaded guilty on 8 Aug 2004 and was fined £500.

A fren' was not charged with X and another statutory authority (honestly give them a civil service pension and they think they are God) asked for the witness statements ( as a sort of fishing expeditiion to see what was what ) and was sent away with a flea in their ear because they were unsworn and not cross examined.

so this is a longer answer which basically says [ I dont think ] you can
By 'court papers', what do you mean? No probation reports or other reports for sentencing are open to anyone other than those directly involved. No witness statements are open to the public. So what do you expect or hope to see?
As you have been told the only way to know what is being said in a trial is to go there on the day and listen from the public gallery.
( Unless it is an important trial that is being reported in the papers and on TV when you can read or listen to the reports.)
If the person has not been sentenced yet you can attend the sentencing hearing , as long as you can find out when/where it is.
yeah yeah and you should address Freddie (my favourite)
as Oh Great always right one....
[He is]
It is possible, but unlikely, that this may have been reported in the local newspaper of the area concerned. If not, there is no way of finding out except by attending the court.
this site is just a collection of random people who like to ask and answer questions - there is not a team of professionals standing by waiting to answer every question as it comes in.
if there were it would not be a free site

but to answer you, you have not done anything wrong, its just that no-one who has so far seen your post knows the answer - someone will probably be along at some point to who knows

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