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New Car Service Plan Refund

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Millycat | 20:44 Tue 05th Nov 2013 | Civil
9 Answers
I paid cash for a new car from a Volkswagen dealership this year, total cost £11,624. Of the total cost £299 was for fixed price servicing for 3 years, so the actual cost of the car was £11325. I am going to buy a new car before the first of the services is due, therefore won't be using any of the 3 services I have paid for. The dealership have told me that I cannot claim any refund on the £299 I paid . What should I do.? Thanks for any advice.


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what does the contract say?
Did the purchase agreement say anything about this? Was there any specific reference to it on the paperwork?
Is the new car from the same dealer? If so, they could adjust the price you are getting upwards....the three-years services will be a good selling-point for the car.
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The £299 is itemised as Service Plan on the invoice, and totted up with all the other incurred costs to give the final purchase price including VAT, and yes I have asked the dealership where I purchased the car from for a refund.
When I did something similar the service plan was transfered to my new vehicle. (I didn't pay cash though)
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Sorry gingejbee, no I haven't mentioned this to the dealership where I'm buying my new car from, because I thought I'd automatically get a refund. Thanks its worth a try.
Why did you buy the service package in the first place? If you thought you would use it but have now decided not to, it doesn't seem fair to expect a refund. Can you sell the package on with the car?
There's next to no chance you are going to get a refund. It's a selling extra on the car. Unless you specifically negotiated such a clause when you bought it then the best you can hope for is that it passes to the next owner and therefore becomes a selling point for you. It may do that if it was something promoted by VW rather than something specific to the actual dealership. If it was something offered by the dealership off their own back it probably doesn't transfer owners and is just lost.
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Thanks Skyline D, I've accepted that I wont get a refund and disposed of the car regardless.

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