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meerrr | 21:45 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers

How important is education?

Does your country have a good education system? ...

Which countries have the best schools and universities? ...

Is education only for the young? ...

Henry Ford said, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. ...

Do you enjoy learning new things?



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TTT often posts threads mocking those giving stupid answers on TV shows; maybe we should extend this to AB; here’s an example.


Q: How important is education?


TTT’s answer: Yes.

And your answer to the OP is well, er well, the square root of didly squat.


Still anything to have a pop at another poster eh hymie, run out of sour Brexit grapes or something?

In answer to the OP Education is extremely important but it needs to be relevant education.  For example they tried to teach my profoundly deaf daughter French when she had big problems with English, changed their mind when I threatened Court and profided more English instead(she was at a school with a unit).

England does have some good education, mainly the private sector.  State education is very hit and miss and a complete lottery depending on where you live.

I have no idea who has the best education, I think all have their problems and good points.

No, its not just for the young and yes I enjoy learing new things, always have done.

07:27 I meant to say "very"

I don't think the answers here is going to help meerrr with her homework.

Of course you did TTT🤣

Going to appear on a quiz show soon?

You'll get less time to think of an answer there than when you post on AB🤭

But you struggle to get an AB answer correct🥴

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