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Beestar Math Online

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kobamaung11 | 17:21 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers

My child is currently in 5th grade. He's doing well in his studies at his schools. But I have decided to help him polish his math skills further. I have seen many suggestions about Beestar. Should I go with it too? Any recommendations?



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This is a UK site, I'm not sure many people here would be in a position to help.


PS Spam is usually removed quickly.

Aye. Not only is it a US company, by suggesting it as an answer to your question it will be seen as advertising. If you were really interested one would expect you to ask rather than suggest.

I thought you were homeschooling your son.  If he is doing well and there are no concerns about his maths don't put him through extra tuition, let him enjoy his family time and extra curricular activities.  Balance is important. 

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