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Customer Service Level 2 Nvq

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annemarie101 | 22:54 Sun 28th Jul 2013 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
What things must i do and what must i not do under legislation and regulation that affect customer service work? (Retail charity shop)

I have to cover the following
Data protection
H&S regulation
equal opportunities
sales of goods act
Noise at work
Safety signs rgulations
PPE regulations

Now i have a list with all of them and more included but my assesor isnt very helpful and when i show him them he just sort of shrugs me off like he doesnt care.

I think i need a HUGE list before he will even bother to give me any kind of feedback please HELP me

P.S sorry for spamming the same questions :(


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you haven't mentioned any 'staying within the law' what if you have dvd's that are age restricted? Anything that is sharp like scissors or knives, they are covered by legislation. What about PAT tests on electrical appliances donated? What about right to work in the UK? Employees have to prove they are legally allowed to work here.
23:00 Sun 28th Jul 2013
you haven't mentioned any 'staying within the law' what if you have dvd's that are age restricted? Anything that is sharp like scissors or knives, they are covered by legislation. What about PAT tests on electrical appliances donated?
What about right to work in the UK? Employees have to prove they are legally allowed to work here.

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Thank you i feel silly for not even listing the basics like that. I feel like an idiot thank you for mentioning that :)
Give examples of each
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Examples here?
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