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Go Compare Home Insurance

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Jenufa | 11:40 Wed 14th Feb 2018 | Insurance
8 Answers
I have been searching on GoCompare for a buildings insurance quote. I decided on Lloyds and was informed I would be contacted by email with details of the quote. I checked my email account and found that there was no communication from Lloyds but two from Endersley in the same time frame of my request.
Has anyone else used this site and is it to be trusted as I don't want to part with money without being absolutely sure.


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Never heard of your 'Endersley' .. but I doknow of ..
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Alavahalf - Sorry I misspelt the name of the company. When it came up on my email Google said it could be spam.
Can't remember what insurance we took out with Endsleigh, many moons ago, but I do know I would never, ever recommend them
Easy done .. if you need to compare insurances my first port of call is ..
Go through and fill in your details and see what they best price is for your property.

Then go to ..
.. and put in the name of the company you got the best price from into the search box .. the chances are that by going through TCB and re-filling in the application you will save a lot more money than you will think.
Been doing it for years .. never had a problem.
Lloyds does not come out well in Which. The best three according to them are Age UK, NFU Mutual and John Lewis.
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Thanks to all that replied. I have now sorted it out.
I understand your point Jenufa. If you are looking for block of flat insurance, I bet you is the right choice. It provide the cheapest schemes to the insurance buyers. If you live in a house that was converted into flats or building block, you must visit this website.

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