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unravelling a gold chain

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janela | 16:17 Thu 02nd Apr 2009 | How it Works
5 Answers
I have a very fine gold chain which is completely tied up in knots. Does anyone have a foolproof way of unknotting it.


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I use a needle if things get to this stage. Put the mess on a flat surface and tease it up, bits at a time, with the needle using the point into a link. It will gradually sort itself out........
If you dab some undiluted washing-up liquid on to it before you start the "unravelling" process it helps the links to slip past one another.
I bought a watch from the jeweller recently and while I was there one of the staff found a small gold neck chain knotted up. I watched her put the chain on top of the glass display case and use a needle to tease it apart. It only took her about 20 seconds. Obviously a common problem.
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Thanks all - the washing up liquid and needle worked a treat. It did involve about three hours of patient putting and unthreading, it is a very fine chain, and was completely knotted up and because of the fasteners on each end was difficult to pull the ends through. However, alls well that ends well and I am now able to wear it for the first time in three years.

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unravelling a gold chain

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