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Goodmans Cd Player Gcd804Rs Instruction Guide?

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cleoval | 15:36 Sat 10th Aug 2024 | How it Works
3 Answers

Hi I have lost the instructions for a goodmans cd player model number GCD804RS.  I have looked on google but cannot find it.  Does anybody have them? or can send me a free link please.? TIA.



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Had no luck either. Can only suggest buying a second one which comes with a manual ?

Or, or...

Enquiring of a seller if they are willing to send you a photo of their instructions. You never know.

"Browse here for older discontinued model User Guides and Frequently Asked Questions. This section is a work-in-progress. If you cannot find your manual, or an answer to your question, please leave us a message and we'll blow the dust off and see what we can find for you"


So perhaps it might be worth clicking on 'Submit a request', at the top of that page, to seek assistance from the manufacturer?

Alternatively, you might find that the instructions for a similar model might help you:

That CD player is probably about 30 years old though, so it might be best to seek a replacement anyway.

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Goodmans Cd Player Gcd804Rs Instruction Guide?

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