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Putting Together Hydrolic Chair.. Quick Question

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bluefortress | 22:10 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | How it Works
4 Answers

Hi I wondered if anyone could help 

Im simply trying to put a chair together from ikea but am stuck at this

In the instructions it says to Pull a cap like device off the hydrolic tube and to throw it away. 

Im not sure if it has a cap on thiugh as ive tried pulling and nothing will come off.. have the manufacturers just forgotton to put a cap on? Should I just use as it is in the picture?



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Looks like the cap is missing, as far as I can see.

I'd just use it as you've found it.

See the 1:30 mark here:

. . . and 2:40 here:

Question Author

Ok cool thanks everyone!!

I'l assume the cap is missing then, I just wanted to be extra careful im doing things right

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Putting Together Hydrolic Chair.. Quick Question

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