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No Tv Aerial Signal

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davelumper | 18:56 Sat 28th Dec 2013 | How it Works
3 Answers
i have recently moved into a house where sky has been installed into every room, i dont want sky at the moment. when i plug the tv aerial lead in from the tv to the aerial socket in the room there is no signal. i have been told sometimes when sky is installed the aerial wire is cut ! there is no aerial in the loft. in a cupboard down stairs there is a box with an F140 tv link amplifier with lots of wires, one of the wires which look like an aerial wire has been cut, would it be as simple as just re connecting this wire ??
any ideas suggestions would be appreciated, i can e mail a picture of the box if needed


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It would do no harm to re-connect the wire, bear in mind that the amplifier will be powered – normally from a direct plug-in adapter, connected to the amplifier via a dc jack.
>>>i have been told sometimes when sky is installed the aerial wire is cut

I can't think of any reason why that would be necessary but . . .

>>>one of the wires which look like an aerial wire has been cut, would it be as simple as just re connecting this wire ?

It wouldn't do any to try it. Use the proper connectors though, to ensure that good screening of the cable is maintained:;ff13=80&ff14=95
(They're widely sold in discount stores, etc).

However the first step might be to see if you can actually locate an aerial. Reconnecting the cable won't help if there's no aerial on the end of it!
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thanks guys ill give it a try, take care

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No Tv Aerial Signal

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