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plants accidentally killed with Path Clear weed killer

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scrabbler | 22:46 Sat 24th Jul 2010 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Is it safe to put tomato and courgette plants and the compost in which they were growing and then accidentally killed by using a watering can not properly washed out after weed killing, in the compost bin?


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It depends which weedkiller it was.
Most modern ones are deactivated once they hit the soil. Check the chemical or bottle.
That's a shame, scrabbler - one good reason for keeping a separate watering can for weedkiller. We use a spray weedkiller these days, so we know where it's been and no other containers get contaminated.
Path weed killers contain 'residual' weedkillers - that is, unlike those that are neutralised on contact with the soil, they'll keep on working for months after being applied. You'll have to dump your compost, alas.
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Thank you for your replies. No one HAS SAID "SILLY OLD WOMAN".
I will make sure the can is thoroughly washed. I will revert to bottles of spray, even though I find them difficult to use after the first squirt or two. I will put the plants out
for the bin and will put the compost from the pots in an area where any residual chemical can do no harm. So no green tomato chutney this year!!

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plants accidentally killed with Path Clear weed killer

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